I travel Further Down Highway 81 as the Terrain gets more mountainous. Fortunanetely, I have almost mastered control of the car-or more specifically, the engine-as I drive through the hills. This is located Along highway 81 immediately after the Salem area and I think the sign says 'Lafeyette, Christianburg, Newbern', placing this a few miles east of Lafeyette. Music: Level 1 to Jurrasic Park 100 hits on 8/22/11Please visit these links to see each part of my trip (number are for ease of reference) www.youtube.com 167 movie Entering Ohio www.youtube.com 166 movie Approaching the Ohio Border www.youtube.com 165 movie Charleston, WV www.youtube.com 163/164 movie Approching Charleston, WV www.youtube.com 162 movie Cabin Creek Toll Booth Before C, wV www.youtube.com 161 movie paint creek rd exit www.youtube.com 160 movie #44 toll both north of Sunset Memorial Park www.youtube.com 158 movie getting back on the highway www.youtube.com 157 movie Beckley, WV at night www.youtube.com 156 movie Getting off the Highway to Go To Beckley. www.youtube.com 155 movie The Eight Miles to the 64/77 turn www.youtube.com 154 movie The Odd Road Exit www.youtube.com 153 movie Trucker Burnout www.youtube.com 152 movie Final Curves before the 460 exit www.youtube.com 151 movie highway scrap near virginia Border www.youtube.com 147/148 video I am passed by several cars and a tractor trailer www.youtube.com 147.5 video I pass a tractor trailer www.youtube.com 146/149/150 movie Tunnels at Wytheville ...